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Abnormal Psychology: Perspectives, DSM-5 Update Edition, 5/e [cover]

Abnormal Psychology: Perspectives, DSM-5 Update Edition, 5/e

ISBN and Copyright:
9780133499896 | © 2015

The Canadian experts speak: Dozois, Abnormal Psychology 5e now in full-psychedelic colour!

Abnormal Psychology: Perspectivesexemplifies its subtitle by cohesively presenting the numerous individual perspectives of its expert contributors. It presents the differing psychological perspectives by discussing various relevant paradigms with emphasis on the conceptual approaches and therapeutic interventions that have garnered the most empirical support in research literature. As a ground-up Canadian text, it features indigenous case studies, legal and ethical issues, prevention programs, and ground-breaking research, as well as the history of abnormal psychology in this country.

The new edition has beenupdated with new information related to the DSM-5 throughout the text, including new and updated tables from the pages of the DSM, updated key terms and definitions, and an all-new focus box in chapter 9, "Schizophrenia: Fact and Fiction".

Download Flyer (PDF, 2 Pages, 150 KB)

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

  • 1. Concepts of Abnormality Throughout History—by new Francois B. Botha, Ph.D. candidate, University of Western Ontario
  • 2. Theoretical Perspectives on Abnormal Behaviour—by new Lyndsay E. Evraire, Ph.D. candidate, University of Western Ontario
  • 3. Classification and Diagnosis—by new Uzma S. Rehman, University of Waterloo
  • 4. Psychological Assessment and Research Methods—by Pamela M. Seeds, Ph.D. candidate, University of Western Ontario
  • 5. Anxiety and Related Disorders;by new Rebecca McDermott, Ph.D. candidate, University of Western Ontario and Paul A. Frewen,University of Western Ontario
  • 6. Dissociative and Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders;by Rod A. Martin, University of Western Ontario
  • 7. Psychological Factors Affecting Medical Conditions;by Kenneth M. Prkachin, University of Northern British Columbia and Glenda C. Prkachin, University of Northern British Columbia
  • 8. Mood Disorders and Suicide—by Kate Harkness, Queen's University
  • 9. Schizophrenia—by R. Walter Heinrichs, York University; Ashley Miles, Ph.D. candidate, York University; Narmeen Ammari, Ph.D. candidate, York University; new Eva Muharib, Graduate Student, York University
  • 10. Eating Disorders—by Jennifer Coelho, Douglas University Institute for Mental Health and McGill University; Kathryn Trottier, Toronto General Hospital and University of Toronto; Janet Polivy, University of Toronto
  • 11. Substance-Related Disorders—by David Hodgins, University of Calgary and Terri-Lynn MacKay, Ph.D. candidate, University of Calgary
  • 12. The Personality Disorders—by Dr. Stephen Porter, University of British Columbia, Okanagan; new Pamela Black, Master's student, University of British Columbia, Okanagan; new Natasha Korva, bachelor's student, University of British Columbia, Okanagan
  • 13. Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders—by new Caroline F. Pukall, Queen's University and Philip Firestone, University of Ottawa
  • 14. Developmental Disorders—by Patricia M. Minnes, Queen's University and Marjory L. Phillips, Queen's University
  • 15. Behaviour and Emotional Disorders of Childhood and Adolescence—by Tracy Vaillancourt, University of Ottawa and Khrista Boylan,Ph.D. candidate, McMaster Unvirsity
  • 16. Mental Disorders and Aging—by Corey Mackenzie, University of Manitoba and new Kristin A. Reynolds, Ph.D. candidate, University of Manitoba
  • 17. Therapies—by John Hunsley, University of Ottawa and Catherine M. Lee, University of Ottawa
  • 18. Prevention and Mental Health Promotion in the Community—by Geoffrey Nelson, Wilfrid Laurier University; Isaac Prilleltensky,University of Miami; Julian Hasford, Ph.D. candidate, Wilfrid Laurier University
  • 19. Mental Disorder and the Law—by Stephen D. Hart, Simon Fraser University and University of Bergen and Ronald Roesch, Simon Fraser University

Preface & Sample Chapters

Download Preface (PDF, 26 Pages, 224 KB)

Download Sample Chapter 9 (PDF, 28 Pages, 3.1 MB)

Download Sample Chapter 13 (PDF, 32 Pages, 4.0 MB)

An Introduction to Philosophy: Knowledge and Reality, 1/e [cover]

An Introduction to Philosophy: Knowledge and Reality, 1/e

ISBN and Copyright:
9780133444476 | © 2016
January 15, 2015

A Problem-Centered, Argument-Driven Approach to Teaching Philosophy.

Jacobsen'sAn Introduction to Philosophy: Knowledge and Reality is a single-authored approach which provides interpretations and contextualization and some anthologized material. The goal of this text is to decrease student dependence on their teachers, and increase their engagement with philosophy, without diluting the challenges that are an essential part of learning to philosophize.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

  • Chapter 1 Introducing Philosophy
  • Chapter 2 Constancy and Flux
  • Chapter 3 Personal Identity
  • Chapter 4 Divided Selves
  • Chapter 5 Death and Immortality
  • Chapter 6 Minds and Bodies
  • Chapter 7 Minds and Machines
  • Chapter 8 Freedom and Determinism
  • Chapter 9 Certainty and Doubt
  • Chapter 10 Living Without Certainty
  • Chapter 11 The Veil of Perception
  • Chapter 12 Creators and Designers
  • Chapter 13 Religious Experience and Miraculous Events
  • Chapter 14 The Problem of Evil
  • Chapter 15 Faith, Revelation, and the Will
  • Appendix 1 Evaluating Reasoning
  • Appendix 2 Writing Philosophy Essays

Preface & Sample Chapter

Download Preface (PDF, 16 Pages, 106 KB)

Download Sample Chapter 3 (PDF, 19 Pages, 154 KB)

Download Sample Chapter 5 (PDF, 25 Pages, 167 KB)

An Introduction to Psychological Science, First Canadian Edition, 1/e [cover]

An Introduction to Psychological Science, First Canadian Edition, 1/e Canadian Edition

ISBN and Copyright:
9780133565218 | © 2015

Promoting Scientific Literacy in Psychology.

An Introduction to Psychological Science helps students view psychology as a practical, modern science–and gives them the tools to better understand their world.

Organized around a scientific literacy model, the text's content and features encourage scientific inquiry, prompting students to ask a series of scientific-minded questions about each topic. All aspects of the book–the topics covered, learning objectives, quizzes, even the modular format–have been developed to enable students to categorize the overwhelming amount of information they encounter, and to ignite their interest in psychological science.

Download Flyer (PDF, 2 Pages, 527 KB)

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

  • Preface
  • 1: Introducing Psychological Science
  • Module 1.1 The Science of Psychology
  • Module 1.2 How Psychology Became a Science
  • Module 1.3 Putting Psychology to Work: Careers in Psychology and Related Fields
  • 2: Reading and Evaluating Scientific Research
  • Module 2.1 Principles of Scientific Research
  • Module 2.2 Scientific Research Designs
  • Module 2.3 Ethics in Psychological Research
  • Module 2.4 A Statistical Primer
  • 3: Biological Psychology
  • Module 3.1 Genetic and Evolutionary Perspectives on Behaviour
  • Module 3.2 How the Nervous System Works
  • Module 3.3 Structure and Organization of the Nervous System
  • Module 3.4 Windows to the Brain: Measuring and Observing Brain Activity
  • 4: Sensation and Perception
  • Module 4.1 Sensation and Perception at a Glance
  • Module 4.2 The Visual System
  • Module 4.3 The Auditory System
  • Module 4.4 Touch and the Chemical Senses
  • 5: Consciousness
  • Module 5.1 Biological Rhythms of Consciousness
  • Module 5.2 Altered States of Consciousness
  • Module 5.3 Drugs and Conscious Experience
  • 6: Learning
  • Module 6.1 Classical Conditioning: Learning by Association
  • Module 6.2 Operant Conditioning: Learning Through Consequences
  • Module 6.3 Cognitive and Observational Learning
  • 7: Memory
  • Module 7.1 Memory Systems
  • Module 7.2 Encoding and Retrieving Memories
  • Module 7.3 Constructing and Reconstructing Memories
  • 8: Thought and Language
  • Module 8.1 The Organization of Knowledge
  • Module 8.2 Problem Solving, Judgment, and Decision Making
  • Module 8.3 Language and Communication
  • 9: Intelligence Testing
  • Module 9.1 Measuring Intelligence
  • Module 9.2 Understanding Intelligence
  • Module 9.3 Biological, Environmental, and Behavioural Influences on Intelligence
  • 10: Life Span Development
  • Module 10.1 Physical Development from Conception through Infancy
  • Module 10.2 Infancy and Childhood
  • Module 10.3 Adolescence
  • Module 10.4 Adulthood and Aging
  • 11: Motivation and Emotion
  • Module 11.1 Hunger and Eating
  • Module 11.2 Sex and Love
  • Module 11.3 Social and Achievement Motivation
  • Module 11.4 Emotion
  • 12: Personality
  • Module 12.1 Contemporary Approaches to Personality
  • Module 12.2 Cultural and Biological Approaches to Personality
  • Module 12.3 Psychodynamic and Humanistic Approaches to Personality
  • 13: Social Psychology
  • Module 13.1 The Power of the Situation: Social Influences on Behavior
  • Module 13.2 Social Cognition
  • Module 13.3 Attitudes, Behaviour, and effective communication
  • 14: Health, Stress, and Coping
  • Module 14.1 Behaviour and Health
  • Module 14.2 Stress and Illness
  • Module 14.3 Coping and Well-Being
  • 15: Psychological Disorders
  • Module 15.1 Defining and Classifying Psychological Disorders
  • Module 15.2 Personality and Dissociative Disorders
  • Module 15.3 Anxiety and Mood Disorders
  • Module 15.4 Schizophrenia
  • 16: Therapies
  • Module 16.1 Treating Psychological Disorders
  • Module 16.2 Psychological Therapies
  • Module 16.3 Biomedical Therapies
  • Answer Key
  • Glossary
  • References
  • Credits
  • Name Index
  • Subject Index

Preface & Sample Chapter

Download Preface (PDF, 36 Pages, 2.5 MB)

Download Sample Chapter 2 (PDF, 44 Pages, 85.3 MB)

¡Anda! Curso elemental Plus MySpanishLab -- Access Card Package, 3/e [cover]

¡Anda! Curso elemental Plus MySpanishLab -- Access Card Package, 3/e

ISBN and Copyright:
9780134434001 | © 2017
March 2016

When we walk, we have time to talk.

The natural human pace is walking. We can run or sprint, but not for long. Eventually, we are exhausted and have to stop. But we can walk almost endlessly. It is actually amazing how far we can go when we walk, ultimately much farther than when we run.

The ¡Anda! program was designed to give students more opportunities to pause and take a breath to take in all that makes up the exciting Spanish-speaking world. ¡Anda!'s streamlined approach to grammar and vocabulary helps instructors slow the pace of Elementary and Intermediate Spanish, giving students time to put language to use. New online resources in MySpanishLab — such as tools that enable students to practice Spanish with native speakers from around the world and engaging video content that offers insights into Spanish-speaking cultures — further help facilitate meaningful learning experiences within and outside the classroom.

So if you're tired of dashing through Elementary and Intermediate Spanish without giving students a chance to practice what they're learning, walk with ¡Anda!

¡Anda! Curso elemental, 3/e
MySpanishLab with eText + printed text
ISBN 9780134434001

¡Anda! Curso intermedio, 3/e
MySpanishLab with eText + printed text
ISBN 9780134293356

Table of Contents:

  • Preliminar A: Para empezar
  • Chapter 1 ¿Quiénes somos?
  • Chapter 2 La vida universitaria
  • Chapter 3 Estamos en casa
  • Chapter 4 Nuestra comunidad
  • Chapter 5 ¡A divertirse! La música y el cine
  • Chapter 6 ¡Sí, lo sé!
  • Preliminar B: Introducciones y repasos
  • Chapter 7 ¡A comer!
  • Chapter 8 ¿Qué te pones?
  • Chapter 9 Estamos en forma
  • Chapter 10 ¡Viajemos!
  • Chapter 11 El mundo actual
  • Chapter 12 Y por fin, ¿lo sé!


Embark on a delightful journey of discovery as members of Club cultura introduce the Spanish-speaking world via 82 vibrant video episodes shot on location in Europe, Latin America, Africa, and the United States.

Club cultura immerses students in the nuances of culture and the Spanish language while exposing them to topics that are dynamic and engaging. Viewers will learn about contemporary customs and daily life from native speakers, including their traditions, geography, history, and festivals, among other interesting aspects of their lives.

View the video here:

Sample Chapter:

To view the preface and sample, please visit the ¡Anda!, 3/e showcase site at:

¡Anda! Curso intermedio plus MySpanishLab -- Access Card Package, 3/e [cover]

¡Anda! Curso intermedio plus MySpanishLab -- Access Card Package, 3/e

ISBN and Copyright:
9780134293356 | © 2017
March 2016

When we walk, we have time to talk.

The natural human pace is walking. We can run or sprint, but not for long. Eventually, we are exhausted and have to stop. But we can walk almost endlessly. It is actually amazing how far we can go when we walk, ultimately much farther than when we run.

The ¡Anda! program was designed to give students more opportunities to pause and take a breath to take in all that makes up the exciting Spanish-speaking world. ¡Anda!'s streamlined approach to grammar and vocabulary helps instructors slow the pace of Elementary and Intermediate Spanish, giving students time to put language to use. New online resources in MySpanishLab — such as tools that enable students to practice Spanish with native speakers from around the world and engaging video content that offers insights into Spanish-speaking cultures — further help facilitate meaningful learning experiences within and outside the classroom.

So if you're tired of dashing through Elementary and Intermediate Spanish without giving students a chance to practice what they're learning, walk with ¡Anda!

¡Anda! Curso elemental, 3/e
MySpanishLab with eText + printed text
ISBN 9780134434001

¡Anda! Curso intermedio, 3/e
MySpanishLab with eText + printed text
ISBN 9780134293356

Table of Contents:

  • Preliminar A: Para empezar
  • Chapter 1 Así somos
  • Chapter 2 El tiempo libre
  • Chapter 3 Hogar dulce hogar
  • Chapter 4 ¡Celebremos!
  • Chapter 5 Viajando por aquí y por allá
  • Chapter 6 ¡Sí, lo sé!
  • Preliminar B: Introducciones y repasos
  • Chapter 7 Bienvenidos a mi mundo
  • Chapter 8 La vida profesional
  • Chapter 9 ¿Es arte?
  • Chapter 10 Un planeta para todos
  • Chapter 11 Hay que cuidarnos
  • Chapter 12 Y por fin, ¡lo sé!


Embark on a delightful journey of discovery as members of Club cultura introduce the Spanish-speaking world via 82 vibrant video episodes shot on location in Europe, Latin America, Africa, and the United States.

Club cultura immerses students in the nuances of culture and the Spanish language while exposing them to topics that are dynamic and engaging. Viewers will learn about contemporary customs and daily life from native speakers, including their traditions, geography, history, and festivals, among other interesting aspects of their lives.

View the video here:

Sample Chapter:

To view the preface and sample, please visit the ¡Anda!, 3/e showcase site at:

¡Arriba!: comunicación y cultura, 2015 Release with MySpanishLab -- Access Card Package, 6/e [cover]

¡Arriba!: comunicación y cultura, 2015 Release with MySpanishLab -- Access Card Package, 6/e

ISBN and Copyright:
9780134064963 | © 2016
May 2015

The 2015 release of this best-selling Beginning Spanish program includes a new synchronous video recording tool, structured partner activities for completion with native speakers around the world, a new interactive eBook, a new cultural video, a host of new mobile resources, and instant real-time classroom analytics made possible byLearning Catalytics.

There are many ways to be a highly successful instructor of Spanish.¡Arriba! not only recognizes this fact but it informs an integral aspect of its approach: a rich complete, and highly flexible communicative language program that provides latitude for individual instructors to teach the course in different says within a wide variety of academic settings. Each instructor can "speak" in their own voice -- their own unique style -- and be certain that with¡Arriba! students will have a successful and rewarding learning experience.

It is hard, if not impossible, to be reductive when talking about a program as rich and complete as¡Arriba!, now in its Sixth Edition, that has contributed to making it an undisputed best seller, it would be the clarity and result: a supremely solid approach that is easy to use and implement.

Table of Contents:

¡Arriba!  consists of 15 thematically organized chapters. The first 12 chapters present essential communicative functions and structures, along with basic cultural information about the countries that make up the Hispanic world.  The last three chapters present more advanced structures together with thematically focused cultural material.

Please review the comprehensive Scope and Sequence for ¡Arriba!  to gain a better understanding of the program's organization and the topics covered in each chapter.


Embark on a delightful journey of discovery as members ofClub cultura introduce the Spanish-speaking world via 82 vibrant video episodes shot on location in Europe, Latin America, Africa, and the United States.

Club cultura immerses students in the nuances of culture and the Spanish language while exposing them to topics that are dynamic and engaging. Viewers will learn about contemporary customs and daily life from native speakers, including their traditions, geography, history, and festivals, among other interesting aspects of their lives.

View the video here:

Sample Chapter:

To view the preface and sample, please visit the ¡Arriba!, 6/e showcase site at:

Canada's Politics: Democracy, Diversity and Good Government, 3/e [cover]

Canada's Politics: Democracy, Diversity and Good Government, 3/e Eric Mintz, Sir Wilfrid Grenfell College, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Livianna Tossutti, Brock University
Christopher Dunn, Memorial University of New Foundland

Canada's Politics: Democracy, Diversity and Good Government, 3/e Canadian Edition

ISBN and Copyright:
9780134057873 | © 2017
March 2016

This is your government!

Completely up to date coverage of the landscape of Canadian politics with a thought provoking approach designed to get students thinking about the events that are currently shaping politics in Canada.

 This text provides students with an introduction to the major aspects of Canadian politics with a special emphasis on the unique challenges our diverse population places on the practice of democracy and good government. With each aspect covered, it raises thought-provoking questions designed to encourage students to think critically about the important issues and topics currently shaping politics in Canada. Featuring relatable examples, a full-colour interior, and a jargon-free writing style, Canadian Politics will engage students and provide them with the foundation they need for future study.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents:

Part I Introduction
1. Introduction

Part II The Context of Canadian Politics
2. The Historical Context
3. [was ch.4] Canada and the Challenge of Cultural Diversity
4. [was ch.3] The Canadian Economy and the Challenge of Inequality
5. Political Culture

Part III Public Involvement, Organization, and Influence
6. [was ch.7] Political Participation and Civic Engagement
7. [was ch.8] Political Influence: Interest Groups, Lobbyists, and Social Movements
8. [was ch.9] Political Parties
9. [was ch.10] Elections, the Electoral System, and Voting Behaviour

Part IV The Constitution, the Federal System, and Aboriginal Peoples
10. [was ch.11 and ch.12] The Constitution, Constitutional Change, and the Protection of Rights and Freedoms
11. [was ch.13] Aboriginal Rights and Governance
12. [was ch.14] The Federal System

Part V The Institutions of Government
13. [was ch.15] The Executive
14. [was ch.16] Parliament
15. [was ch.17] The Public Bureaucracy
16. [was ch.18] The Judicial System: Law and the Courts

Part VI Public Policy
17. [NEW] Domestic Policy
18. [was ch.6] Foreign Policy

Preface & Sample Chapter

Download Preface (PDF, 14 Pages, 3.9 MB)

Download Sample Chapter 3 (PDF, 38 Pages, 3.3 MB)

Download Sample Chapter 11 (PDF, 24 Pages, 2.4 MB)

Canadian Government and Politics in Transition, 6/e [cover]

Canadian Government and Politics in Transition, 6/e Canadian Edition

ISBN and Copyright:
9780132984614 | © 2017
March 2016

Concise, authoritative and completely updated presentation of Canada's political Institutions.

Canadian Government in Transition provides a current and concise explanation and analysis of the country's political institutions, processes and issues.  The authors provide information in a brief and orderly fashion to facilitate easy access to the material, while communicating the excitement of the field and the vitality and importance of Canada's political institutions.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents:

1 The Game of Politics: Concepts and Institutions
2 The Context and Ideas of Government: Cohesion, Division, and Identity
3 The Constitutional Framework: Rules for Governments and the Political Game
4 Contested Federalism: The Division of Powers and Financial Resources
5 Nationalism and Native Peoples: Equality and Justice
6 The Executive: Ceremony and Leadership
7 Parliament: The Public Arena of Politics
8 Public Administration: Democracy, Bureaucracy, and Public Policy
9 The Administration of Justice and Human Rights: Courts, Police, Prisons, Public Security, and Terrorism
10 Parties and Interest Groups: Teams in the Game
11 Elections and Political Behaviour: The Contests and the Messengers
12 Canadian Foreign Policy: Constraints, Opportunities and Sacrifice
13 Ethics in Canadian Government and Politics: Honesty and Corruption

Preface & Sample Chapter

Download Preface (PDF, 14 Pages, 236 KB)

Download Sample Chapter 2 (PDF, 36 Pages, 5.5 MB)

Discovering the Lifespan, Second Canadian Edition, Loose Leaf Version Plus Revel -- Access Card Package, 2/e [cover]

Discovering the Lifespan, Second Canadian Edition, Loose Leaf Version Plus Revel -- Access Card Package, 2/e Canadian Edition

ISBN and Copyright:
9780134376301 | © 2017
April 2016

Modular, Manageable, and Meaningful—help your students discover the lifespan!

Discovering the Lifespan provides a broad overview of the field of human development and features a strong balance of research and application. In a unique departure from traditional lifespan development texts, each chapter is divided into three modules, and in turn, each module is divided into several smaller sections. Consequently, students encounter material in smaller, more manageable chunks that optimize learning.

Personalize Learning with REVEL™

REVEL™ is Pearson's newest way of delivering our respected content. Fully digital and highly engaging, REVEL offers an immersive learning experience designed for the way today's students read, think, and learn. Enlivening course content with media interactives and assessments, REVEL empowers educators to increase engagement with the course, and to better connect with students.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents:

Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: The Start of Life

Chapter 3: Infancy

Chapter 4: The Early Childhood and Preschool Years

Chapter 5: Middle Childhood

Chapter 6: Adolescence

Chapter 7: Early Adulthood

Chapter 8: Middle Adulthood

Chapter 9: Late Adulthood

Chapter 10: Death and Dying

Drugs, Behaviour & Modern Society, First Canadian Edition, 1/e [cover]

Drugs, Behaviour & Modern Society, First Canadian Edition, 1/e Canadian Edition

ISBN and Copyright:
9780205968251 | © 2016
March 2, 2015

As a society and as individuals, we can be the beneficiaries of drugs—or their victims. This perspective is the message ofDrugs, Behaviour, and Modern Society, Canadian Edition. This book introduces the basic facts and major issues concerning drug-taking behaviour in a straightforward, comprehensive, and reader-friendly manner.

The three fundamental themes this text is framed around are; The role of drug-taking behaviour throughout history, The diversity in psychoactive drugs in our society, and The personal impact of drug-related issues in our lives.

Download Flyer (PDF, 2 Pages, 276 KB)

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

  • PART ONE: Drugs in Society/Drugs in Our Lives
  • Chapter 1 Drugs and Behaviour Today
  • Chapter 2 Drug-Taking Behaviour: Personal and Social Issues
  • Chapter 3 How Drugs Work in the Body and on the Mind
  • PART TWO: Legally Restricted Drugs in Our Society
  • Chapter 4 The Major Stimulants: Cocaine and Amphetamines
  • Chapter 5 Opioids: Opium, Heroin, and Opioid Pain Medications
  • Chapter 6 LSD and Other Hallucinogens
  • Chapter 7 Marijuana
  • PART THREE: Legal Drugs in Our Society
  • Chapter 8 Alcohol: Social Beverage/Social Drug
  • Chapter 9 Chronic Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
  • Chapter 10 Nicotine and Tobacco Use
  • Chapter 11 Caffeine
  • PART FOUR: Enhancers and Depressants
  • Chapter 12 Performance-Enhancing Drugs and Drug Testing in Sports
  • Chapter 13 Depressants and Inhalants
  • PART FIVE: Medicinal Drugs
  • Chapter 14 Prescription Drugs, Over-the-Counter Drugs, and Natural Health Products
  • Chapter 15 Drugs for Treating Schizophrenia and Mood Disorders
  • PART SIX: Prevention and Treatment
  • Chapter 16 Substance Abuse Prevention
  • Chapter 17 Substance Abuse Treatment: Strategies for Change

Preface & Sample Chapter

Download Sample Preface (PDF, 18 Pages, 754 KB)

Download Sample Chapter 3 (PDF, 30 Pages, 13.2 MB)

Download Sample Chapter 6 (PDF, 26 Pages, 5.5 MB)

En bons termes Plus MyFrenchLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package, 10/e [cover]

En bons termes Plus MyFrenchLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package, 10/e Canadian Edition

ISBN and Copyright:
9780134391960 | © 2017
April 2016

En bons termes is a first-year French program that aims to develop a basic proficiency in the four language skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) while fostering an awareness of the French presence in North America. It is designed to encourage and enable students to communicate in French not as a "foreign" language but as an alternative mode of expression.

Personalize Learning with MyFrenchLab™

MyFrenchLab is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program designed to work with this text to engage students and improve results. Within its structured environment, students practice what they learn, test their understanding, and pursue a personalized study plan that helps them better absorb course material and understand difficult concepts.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents:


Glossary of Grammatical Terms

General Weblinks

Chapitre 1: Faisons connaissance

Chapitre 2: Une chambre confortable

Chapitre 3:  Parle-moi de toi

Chapitre 4: La ville de Québec

Chapitre 5: A votre santé!

Chapitre 6: Le magasinage et la mode

Chapitre 7: Les études et la carrière

Chapitre 8: Les sports

Chapitre 9: Les voyages

Chapitre 10: Arts et spectacles

Chapitre 11: Les jeunes et la vie

Chapitre 12: Bon appétit

Chapitre 13: La famille

Chapitre 14: L'Acadie et la mer

Chapitre 15: Une auteure francophone

Chapitre 16: Les nouvelles technologies

Chapitre 17: L'environment

Chapitre 18: Les Cajuns de la Louisiane

Chapitre 19: Les autochtones

Chapitre 20: L'emploi

Chapitre 21: L'humeur et l'humour

Chapitre 22: Les droits de la personne

Preface & Sample Chapter

Download Preface (PDF, 22 Pages, 177 KB)

Download Sample Chapter 6 (PDF, 25 Pages, 1.6 MB)

Essentials of Abnormal Psychology, Third Canadian Edition, DSM-5 Update Edition, 3/e [cover]

Essentials of Abnormal Psychology, Third Canadian Edition, DSM-5 Update Edition, 3/e Canadian Edition

ISBN and Copyright:
9780133436976 | © 2015

Brief and accurate, Essentials of Abnormal Psychology provides students with an accessible overview of the subject matter with an engaging focus on diversity and coverage of the final, published DSM-5.

Essentials of Abnormal Psychologyuses an integrative approach to emphasize the interplay of psychological, socio-cultural, and biological factors in the development of psychological disorders. Its brief, streamlined format introduces students to the basic concepts of the field while being inclusive of Canadian cultural diversity, gender, and lifestyle. The text's engaging writing style, research-based coverage, superior pedagogy, and student-oriented applications are designed to arouse student interest and encourage critical thinking.

The third Canadian edition builds upon the strengths of its predecessor by portraying current Canadian research, examples, and case studies; streamlining content; and including new pedagogical features designed to help student learning. This edition has been updated with new information related to the DSM-5 throughout the text, including new and updated tables from the pages of the DSM and updated key terms and definitions.

Download Flyer (PDF, 2 Pages, 221 KB)

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

  • Chapter 1 What is Abnormal Psychology?
  • Chapter 2 Assessment, Classification, and Treatment of Abnormal Behaviour
  • Chapter 3 Anxiety, Obsessive-Compulsive, and Trauma-and Stressor-Related Disorders
  • Chapter 4 Mood Disorders and Suicide
  • Chapter 5 Dissociative and Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders
  • Chapter 6 Personality
  • Chapter 7 Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders
  • Chapter 8 Feeding and Eating Disorders and Sleep-Wake Disorders
  • Chapter 9 Gender Dysphoria, Paraphilic Disorders, and Sexual Dysfunctions
  • Chapter 10 Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorders
  • Chapter 11 Abnormal Behaviour across the Lifespan

Preface & Sample Chapter

Download Preface (PDF, 20 Pages, 171 KB)

Download Sample Chapter 1 (PDF, 39 Pages, 63.5 MB)

Download Sample Chapter 11 (PDF, 40 Pages, 42.3 MB)

Exploring Sociology: A Canadian Perspective, Loose Leaf Version Plus REVEL -- Access Card Package, 3/e [cover]

Exploring Sociology: A Canadian Perspective, Loose Leaf Version Plus REVEL -- Access Card Package, 3/e Canadian Edition

ISBN and Copyright:
9780134479286 | © 2017
February 2016

Exploring Sociology is a "students first" resource written with millennial students in mind, and with their help.

Bruce Ravelli and Michelle Webber, the authors ofExploring Sociology, believe that theory provides the foundation for sociology and that students need to explore both classical and modern theory to grasp the sociological endeavour fully. Accordingly, this text provides the most comprehensive overview of classical and modern social theories of any textbook. This is the first mainstream introductory sociology text to devote an entire chapter to contemporary theory, and the first to integrate postmodern and post-structural theoretical insights meaningfully throughout the book.

Through its distinctive approach to the field, its readability, and its relevance to students' lives,Exploring Sociology: A Canadian Perspective, Third Edition, helps professors develop the sociological imagination in their students by encouraging them to see sociology through multiple lenses. Topics are presented in ways that allow students to engage with the material and to exercise their sociological imaginations.

This content is also available viaREVEL™, an immersive learning experience designed for the way your students read, think, and learn. Click here for more information or contact your Pearson Rep for a demo.

Personalize learning with MySocLab™

MySocLab is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program designed to work with the Ravelli text to engage students and improve results.

Within its structured environment, students practice what they learn, test their understanding, and pursue a personalized study plan that helps them better absorb course material and understand difficult concepts.

Packages Available:

0134479289 / 9780134479286 Exploring Sociology: A Canadian Perspective, Third Canadian Edition, Loose Leaf Version Plus REVEL -- Access Card Package, 3/e

0133956385 / 9780133956382 Exploring Sociology: A Canadian Perspective, Third Canadian Edition, Bound Version plus MySocLab -- Access Card Package, 3e

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

  • Chapter 1 Understanding the Sociological Imagination
  • Chapter 2 Classical Social Theories
  • Chapter 3 Contemporary Social Theories
  • Chapter 4 Research, Methodology, and Ethics
  • Chapter 5 Culture
  • Chapter 6 Socialization and Social Interaction
  • Chapter 7 Social Inequality
  • Chapter 8 Gender
  • Chapter 9 Sexualities
  • Chapter 10 Race and Racialization
  • Chapter 11 Families
  • Chapter 12 Education
  • Chapter 13 Religion
  • Chapter 14 Crime, Law, and Regulation
  • Chapter 15 Health, Aging, and Disabilities
  • Chapter 16 Work and the Political Economy
  • Chapter 17 Mass Media
  • Chapter 18 Social Change, Collective Behaviour, and Social Movements
  • Chapter 19 Globalization
  • Chapter 20 Challenges to the Global Environment

Preface & Sample Chapter

Download Preface (PDF, 19 Pages, 574 KB)

Download Sample Chapter 3 (PDF, 26 Pages, 58.2 MB)

Download Sample Chapter 5 (PDF, 22 Pages, 22.7 MB)

Exploring Sociology: The Concise Edition, 1/e [cover]

Exploring Sociology: The Concise Edition, 1/e

ISBN and Copyright:
9780133526738 | © 2015

Exploring Sociology is a "students first" resource written with millennial students in mind, and with their help.

Bruce Ravelli and Michelle Webber, the authors ofExploring Sociology, believe that theory provides the foundation for sociology and that students need to explore both classical and modern theory to grasp the sociological endeavour fully. Accordingly, this text provides the most comprehensive overview of classical and modern social theories of any textbook. This is the first mainstream introductory sociology text to devote an entire chapter to contemporary theory, and the first to integrate postmodern and post-structural theoretical insights meaningfully throughout the book.

Through its distinctive approach to the field, its readability, and its relevance to students' lives,Exploring Sociology: A Canadian Perspective, Third Edition, helps professors develop the sociological imagination in their students by encouraging them to see sociology through multiple lenses. Topics are presented in ways that allow students to engage with the material and to exercise their sociological imaginations.

Personalize learning with MySocLab™

MySocLab is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program designed to work with the Wood et al. text to engage students and improve results. Within its structured environment, students practice what they learn, test their understanding, and pursue a personalized study plan that helps them better absorb course material and understand difficult concepts.


0133956385 / 9780133956382 Exploring Sociology: A Canadian Perspective Plus MySocLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package

Available February 2016!

This content is also available viaREVEL™, an immersive learning experience designed for the way your students read, think, and learn. Click here for more information or contact your Pearson Rep for a demo.

0134479289 / 9780134479286 Exploring Sociology: A Canadian Perspective, Loose Leaf Version Plus REVEL -- Access Card Package

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

  • Chapter 1 Sociological Imagination
  • Chapter 2 Social Theories
  • Chapter 3 Research, Methodology, and Ethics
  • Chapter 4 Culture and Socialization
  • Chapter 5 Social Inequality
  • Chapter 6 Gender and Sexualities
  • Chapter 7 Race and Racialization
  • Chapter 8 Families
  • Chapter 9 Education
  • Chapter 10 Religion
  • Chapter 11 Crime, Law, and Regulation
  • Chapter 12 Media
  • Chapter 13 Health Policy, Aging, and Disabilities
  • Chapter 14 Work and Political Economy
  • Chapter 15 Globalization and Environmental Sociology

Preface & Sample Chapter

Download Preface (PDF, 19 Pages, 304 KB)

Download Sample Chapter 4 (PDF, 30 Pages, 9.2 MB)

Download Sample Chapter 11 (PDF, 24 Pages, 10.3 MB)

Feminist Issues: Race, Class and Sexuality, 6/e [cover]

Feminist Issues: Race, Class and Sexuality, 6/e Canadian Edition

ISBN and Copyright:
9780133593662 | © 2017
January 2016

Feminist Issues positions women's issues at the forefront of Canadian concerns.  Authors explore the range and diversity of contemporary feminist perspectives as seen through the lens of race, class, sexuality, disability, and poverty. Each chapter addresses questions and social problems that have received little attention in Canadian writing.

Feminist Issues is a contributed text, which addresses feminist and women's issues in Canada. The editors, Nancy Mandell and Jennifer Johnson, have excellent and well-regarded reputations in the area of women's and gender studies. The contributors for the new edition have addressed developing issues in the study of feminist theory as it applies to gender, sexuality, race, and class.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents:

Chapter 1

Theorizing women's oppression and social change: Liberal, socialist, radical and postmodern feminisms

Shana L. Calixte, Jennifer L. Johnson and J. Maki Motapanyane

Chapter 2 NEW

Race, indigeneity, and feminism

Carmela Murdocca

Chapter 3 NEW

Transnational feminism

Corinne L. Mason

Chapter 4 NEW

Stitch the bitch: #girl#socialmedia#body#human

Fiona Whittington-Walsh and Katie Warfield

Chapter 5 NEW

Sexualities and feminism

Susanne Luhmann

Chapter 6

Through the mirror of beauty culture

Carla Rice

Chapter 7 NEW

Men, masculinities and feminism

Christopher J. Greig and Barbara A. Pollard

Chapter 8 NEW

Violence against women in Canada

Katherine M.J. McKenna

Chapter 9

Challenging old age: Women's next revolution

Ann Duffy and Nancy Mandell

Chapter 10

Mothers' maintenance of families through market and family care relations

Amber Gazso

Chapter 11

Women and education

Michelle Webber

Chapter 12 NEW

Health as a feminist issue

Carrie Bourassa, with contributions from Mel Bendig, Eric Oleson, and Cassie Ozog

Preface & Sample Chapters

Download Preface (PDF, 10 Pages, 677 KB)

Download Sample Chapter 3 (PDF, 28 Pages, 1.7 MB)

Download Sample Chapter 8 (PDF, 28 Pages, 1.8 MB)

Health and Fitness for Law Enforcement in Canada [cover]

Health and Fitness for Law Enforcement in Canada Canadian Edition

ISBN and Copyright:
9780133025682 | © 2016
March 2, 2015

Health and Fitness for Law Enforcement in Canada is an engaging, highly illustrated and well-researched text for the Fitness, Lifestyle and Wellness courses offered at all Police Foundations and other security oriented programs in public and career colleges in Canada.

With a focus on Canadian content, the latest peer-reviewed research in the field, and a specific concentration on educating beginners, Health and Fitness helps students succeed in meeting the needs of the mandatory fitness tests and lifelong fitness and wellness standards that are part of all police and law and security professions.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

  • Chapter 1 Introduction to Health & Fitness Needs for Law Enforcement Professionals
  • Chapter 2 Preparing for Exercise
  • Chapter 3 Muscle Strength & Endurance
  • Chapter 4 Cardiorespiratory Fitness
  • Chapter 5 Nutrition for Law Enforcement
  • Chapter 6 Managing Potential & Existing Health Problems

Preface & Sample Chapter

Download Preface (PDF, 12 Pages, 1.2 MB)

History of the Canadian Peoples: 1867 to the Present, Vol. 2, 6/e [cover]

History of the Canadian Peoples: 1867 to the Present, Vol. 2, 6/e Canadian Edition

ISBN and Copyright:
9780134069517 | © 2015
December 15, 2014

History of the Canadian Peoples has been one of the most-respected Canadian history texts for many years. The sixth edition builds on established strengths – superior author reputations, social history focus, four-colour design, and student-friendly, vivid writing style – with the addition of some attractive new features. Maps have been re-drawn and augmented; there are more colour illustrations throughout; and many new highlight boxes point out and explain aspects of historiography.

History of the Canadian Peoples provides an inclusive history of Canada, covering not only the achievements of the rich and powerful, but also the lives of Aboriginal peoples, women, racial and ethnic minorities, and the poor, who also helped create the Canada we know today. The balance of political/economic history with social history is delicately managed.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

  • Part I Inventing Canada, 1867–1914
  • Chapter 1 A People in Search of a Nation, 1867
  • Chapter 2 Nation-Building, 1867–1896
  • Chapter 3 Entering the Twentieth Century, 1896–1914
  • Part II Economy and Society in the Industrial Age, 1867–1914
  • Chapter 4 The New Industrial Order, 1867–1914
  • Chapter 5 A Nation on the Move, 1867–1914
  • Chapter 6 Society and Culture in the Age of Industry, 1867–1914
  • Part III Booms, Busts, and Wars, 1914–1945
  • Chapter 7 The Great War and Reconstruction, 1914–1921
  • Chapter 8 The Turbulent Twenties
  • Chapter 9 The Great Depression
  • Chapter 10 Society and Culture: The Search for Identity, 1919–1939
  • Chapter 11 Canada's World War, 1939-1945
  • Part IV Reinventing Canada, 1945–1975
  • Chapter 12 Redefining Liberalism: The Canadian State, 1945–1975
  • Chapter 13 Growth At All Costs: The Economy, 1945–1975
  • Chapter 14 Community, Nation and Culture, 1945–1975
  • Part V Post-Modern Canada, 1975-2014
  • Chapter 15 Canada in the Global Economic Village, 1976–1999
  • Chapter 16 The Politics of Uncertainty, 1976–1999
  • Chapter 17 Community and Culture Since 1976
  • Chapter 18 Canada in the Age of Anxiety, 2000-2014

Preface & Sample Chapter

Download Sample Chapter 6 (PDF, 29 Pages, 13.3 MB)

Download Sample Chapter 13 (PDF, 22 Pages, 4 MB)

History of the Canadian Peoples: Beginnings to 1867, Vol. 1, 6/e [cover]

History of the Canadian Peoples: Beginnings to 1867, Vol. 1, 6/e Canadian Edition

ISBN and Copyright:
9780133853018 | © 2015

Learn the Story of Pre-Confederation Canada

History of the Canadian Peoples has been one of the most respected Canadian history texts for many years, known for its integrated social, cultural, and political approach to history. The authors continue to provide an inclusive history of Canada, including the stories of well-known Canadians as well as every day Canadians.

The sixth edition has been streamlined and condensed to promote accessibility and student engagement, without sacrificing any of the rigour and breadth of past editions. The text builds on established strengths–social history focus, attractive four-colour design, and a student-friendly, vivid writing style. Donald Fyson of Laval University, brings new perspective and expertise, particularly on Quebec.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

  • Part I Beginnings
  • Chapter 1 Canada: A Bird's Eye View
  • Chapter 2 First Peoples Before 1500
  • Chapter 3 Natives and Newcomers, 1000—1663
  • Part II France In America, 1663—1763
  • Chapter 4 New France Takes Root, 1663—1689
  • Chapter 5 Strategic Outposts, 1689—1744
  • Chapter 6 Society and Culture In Eighteenth-Century New France
  • Chapter 7 Empires In Conflict, 1713—1763
  • Part III British North America, 1763—1821
  • Chapter 8 Making Adjustments, 1763—1783
  • Chapter 9 Redefining British North America, 1783—1815
  • Chapter 10 Natives and the Fur Trade In the West, 1775—1821
  • Part IV Maturing Colonial Societies, 1815—1867
  • Chapter 11 Developing Colonies, 1815—1867
  • Chapter 12 Rebellions, Reform, and Responsible Government, 1815—1855
  • Chapter 13 British North America's Revolutionary Age
  • Chapter 14 The West, 1821—1867
  • Chapter 15 The Road To Confederation

Preface & Sample Chapter

Download Preface (PDF, 16 Pages, 416 KB)

Download Sample Chapter 1 (PDF, 9 Pages, 8.3 MB)

Download Sample Chapter 3 (PDF, 27 Pages, 36.6 MB)

Human Sexuality in a World of Diversity, Fifth Canadian Edition, 5/e [cover]

Human Sexuality in a World of Diversity, Fifth Canadian Edition, 5/e Canadian Edition

ISBN and Copyright:
9780205968770 | © 2016
March 2, 2015

Canada in the twenty-first century is rapidly evolving with respect to human sexuality. Underlying this change is a growing recognition and acceptance of diversity with respect to many aspects of sexuality.Human Sexuality in a World of Diversity fully embraces and affirms this diversity, especially within Canadian society.

The authors made every effort to provide a textbook that is clear and succinct but also embodies the highest standards of academic rigor. In addition to emphasizing theory and up-to-date research, practical applications that are relevant to students' lives are included.

Download Flyer (PDF, 2 Pages, 288 KB)

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

  • Chapter 1: What is Human Sexuality?
  • Chapter 2: Research Methods
  • Chapter 3: Female and Male Anatomy and Physiology
  • Chapter 4: Sexual Arousal and Response
  • Chapter 5: Gender Identity and Gender Roles
  • Chapter 6: Attraction and Love
  • Chapter 7: Relationships, Intimacy, and Communication
  • Chapter 8: Sexual Techniques and Behaviour Patterns
  • Chapter 9: Sexual Orientation
  • Chapter 10: Conception, Pregnancy, and Child birth
  • Chapter 11: Contraception and Abortion
  • Chapter 12: Sexuality Across the Life Span and Sexual Health Education
  • Chapter 13: Sexual Health Education (NEW CHAPTER)
  • Chapter 14: Sexual Dysfunction
  • Chapter 15: Sexually Transmitted Infections
  • Chapter 16: Sexual Variations
  • Chapter 17: Sexual Coercion
  • Chapter 18: Commercial Sex

Preface & Sample Chapter

Download Preface (PDF, 22 Pages, 548 KB)

Download Sample Chapter 15 (PDF, 19 Pages, 1 MB)

Introduction to the Canadian Legal System, 1/e [cover]

Introduction to the Canadian Legal System, 1/e Canadian Edition

ISBN and Copyright:
9780133142853 | © 2016
March 2, 2015

Introduction to the Canadian Legal System goes beyond the mere outline of the basics and seeks to help students challenge and question legal rules. It includes a variety of case studies that exemplify the workings of the law and help students see the connections between the discussed rules and real life.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

  • Part 1 Introduction to law
  • Chapter 1 What is Law?
  • Chapter 2 Systems and Sources of Law
  • Chapter 3 The Structure of Canadian Government
  • Chapter 4 Canada's Courts
  • Chapter 5 Theoretical Perspectives on the Law
  • Chapter 6 The Constitution and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms
  • Part 2 Selected areas of law and critical perspectives
  • Chapter 7 Administrative Law
  • Chapter 8 Criminal Law
  • Chapter 9 Contract Law
  • Chapter 10 Tort Law
  • Chapter 11 Family Law
  • Chapter 12 Human Rights in Canada

Preface & Sample Chapter

Download Sample Chapter 1 (PDF, 16 Pages, 760 KB)

Mise en pratique: Manuel de lecture, vocabulaire, grammaire et expression ecrite Plus Companion Website without Pearson eText -- Access Card Package, 6/e [cover]

Mise en pratique: Manuel de lecture, vocabulaire, grammaire et expression ecrite Plus Companion Website without Pearson eText -- Access Card Package, 6/e Canadian Edition

ISBN and Copyright:
9780134387444 | © 2017
January 2016

Mise en pratique : manuel de lecture, vocabulaire, grammaire et expression écrite  [Putting into practice: manual of reading, vocabulary, grammar and writing]is ideal for instructors who wish to teach French grammar and vocabulary in a global Francophone context. A well-used text in the intermediate French as a Second Language (FSL) market, it offers strong grammar coverage, as well as intermediate-level reading and writing.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents:

Chapter 1 Amitié, amour et passion

Chapter 2 Famille et identité

Chapter 3 Le monde des études et du travail

Chapter 4 Les nouvelles technologies

Chapter 5 Le bilinguisme et l'apprentissage des langues

Chapter 6 Le cinéma

Chapter 7 La nouvelle policière

Chapter 8 Les jeunes et leurs modes de vie

Chapter 9 Les voyages et le tourisme

Chapter 10 Le Maroc


Download Preface (PDF, 18 Pages, 1.1 MB)

Preface & Sample Chapter

Download Preface (PDF, 18 Pages, 1.1 MB)

Download Sample Chapter 3 (PDF, 36 Pages, 3 MB)

Personality Psychology: Foundations and Findings, First Canadian Edition [cover]

Personality Psychology: Foundations and Findings, First Canadian Edition Canadian Edition

ISBN and Copyright:
9780205897452 | © 2016
January 2, 2015

Personality Psychology: Foundations and Findings is an evidence-based text with integrated cultural references and excellent coverage of the key building blocks of the subject matter—namely, the "foundations"(traits, genetics, self and identity, neuroscience, intrapsychic aspects, regulations and motivation, and cognition as it applies to the human personality) and the "findings" (the cutting edge research in each of these areas in which personality psychologists are actively engaged every day).

Download Flyer (PDF, 2 Pages, 184 KB)

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

  • Chapter 1 Who Am I? Understanding the Building Blocks of Personality
  • Chapter 2 Personality Traits: A Good Theory
  • Chapter 3 Personality Traits: Practical Matters
  • Chapter 4 Personality Assessment
  • Chapter 5 Intrapsychic Foundations of Personality
  • Chapter 6 Self and Identity
  • Chapter 7 Genetics
  • Chapter 8 The Neuroscience of Personality
  • Chapter 9 Regulation and Motivation: Self-Determination Theory
  • Chapter 10 Cognitive Foundations of Personality
  • Chapter 11 Gender and Personality
  • Chapter 12 Sexual Orientation: An Integrative Mini-Chapter

Preface & Sample Chapter

Download Preface (PDF, 24 Pages, 1.2 MB)

Download Sample Chapter 3 (PDF, 30 Pages, 6.8 MB)

Download Sample Chapter 7 (PDF, 28 Pages, 6.1 MB)

Psychology of Criminal Behaviour: A Canadian Perspective, 2/e [cover]

Psychology of Criminal Behaviour: A Canadian Perspective, 2/e Ralph Serin, Carleton University
Adelle Forth, Carleton University
Shelley Brown, Carleton University
Kevin Nunes, Carleton University
Craig Bennell, Carleton University
Joanna Pozzulo, Carleton University

Psychology of Criminal Behaviour: A Canadian Perspective, 2/e Canadian Edition

ISBN and Copyright:
9780132980050 | © 2017
March 2016

This unique Canadian text examines the intersection of criminal behaviour, the theory behind it, and the application of evidence-based practice to its study.  It explores the Canadian criminal justice system, Canadian research and Canadian crime. CriminalBehaviour and Psychology is very accessible to students, and has a focus on empirical research to support key theories and practice.  Contemporary themes are also highlighted to give this book a truly Canadian perspective.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents:

Chapter 1 Introduction: Crime in Canada

Chapter 2 Theories of Crime: Biological and Evolutionary

Chapter 3 Theories of Crime: Learning and Environment

Chapter 4 Linking Theories to Practice

Chapter 5 Developmental Issues: Juvenile Offending

Chapter 6 Non-Violent Offending

Chapter 7 Violent Offending: General Violence and Homicide

Chapter 8 Family Violence

Chapter 9 Sexual Offenders

Chapter 10 Mentally Disordered Offenders

Chapter 11 Female Offenders

Chapter 12 Aboriginal Offenders

Preface & Sample Chapter

Download Preface (PDF, 16 Pages, 127 KB)

Download Sample Chapter 2 (PDF, 29 Pages, 2.6 MB)

Psychology of Health and Health Care, 5/e [cover]

Psychology of Health and Health Care, 5/e

ISBN and Copyright:
9780133098273 | © 2016
February 16, 2015

Psychology of Health and Health Care focuses on understanding how biological (e.g., heredity, physiological systems), psychological (e.g., emotions, cognitions, beliefs, personality) and social (e.g., family, community) factors interact to affect health and disease. The main goals of the course are to develop a thorough understanding of the biopsychosocial approach to health, to gain knowledge of the different theories, research, and clinical interventions that relate to health psychology, and the role of psychology in preventing illness, promoting wellness and shaping health care policy.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

  • Chapter 1 The Development of the Field
  • Chapter 2 Stress and Coping
  • Chapter 3 Psychoneuroimmunology
  • Chapter 4 Health Communication
  • Chapter 5 Health and Physical Activity
  • Chapter 6 Health-Compromising Behaviours
  • Chapter 7 Chronic and Life-Threatening Illnesses
  • Chapter 8 Pain
  • Chapter 9 The World of Health Care: Places, Procedures, and People
  • Chapter 10 From one to many: Health on a Large Scale
  • Chapter 11 Health Promotion
  • Focused Modules (for the PCL)

Preface & Sample Chapter

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Download Sample Chapter 1 (PDF, 24 Pages, 1.1 MB)

Download Sample Chapter 2 (PDF, 26 Pages, 1 MB)

Psychology, Fifth Canadian Edition [cover]

Psychology, Fifth Canadian Edition Canadian Edition

ISBN and Copyright:
9780134004242 | © 2016
January 2, 2015

Emphasizing critical thinking, culture and gender

Well-known for its pioneering focus on the development of critical thinking skills crucial to students' success in university and in later life,Psychologyby Wade, Tavris, Saucier and Elias is also widely regarded for the liveliness, warmth, and clarity of its writing style. Continuing its tradition of integrating gender, culture, and ethnicity throughout the text,Psychology 5ceprovides a comprehensive introduction to the field.

Download Flyer (PDF, 2 Pages, 407 KB)

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

  • Chapter 1 What Is Psychology?
  • Chapter 2 How Psychologists Do Research
  • Chapter 3 Genes, Evolution, and Environment
  • Chapter 4 The Brain and Nervous System
  • Chapter 5 Body Rhythms and Mental States
  • Chapter 6 Sensation and Perception
  • Chapter 7 Learning and Conditioning
  • Chapter 8 Behaviour in Social and Cultural Context
  • Chapter 9 Thinking and Intelligence
  • Chapter 10 Memory
  • Chapter 11 Emotion, Stress, and Health
  • Chapter 12 Motivation
  • Chapter 13 Development Over the Life Span
  • Chapter 14 Theories of Personality
  • Chapter 15 Psychological Disorders
  • Chapter 16 Approaches to Treatment and Therapy

Preface & Sample Chapter

Download Preface (PDF, 25 Pages, 1.3 MB)

Download Sample Chapter 3 (PDF, 30 Pages, 4.1 MB)

Download Sample Chapter 5 (PDF, 36 Pages, 4.3 MB)

Psychology: An Exploration, First Canadian Edition, Loose Leaf Version Plus REVEL -- Access Card Package, 1/e [cover]

Psychology: An Exploration, First Canadian Edition, Loose Leaf Version Plus REVEL -- Access Card Package, 1/e Canadian Edition

ISBN and Copyright:
9780134496511 | © 2017
February 2016

The most learner-centered and assessment-driven text available

With its engaging writing style and comprehensive coverage of key research, Psychology: An Exploration, awakens students' curiosity and energizes their desire to learn more. The goal is to draw readers into an ongoing dialogue about psychology, allowing them to fully grasp the subject.

This Canadian edition includes specific feedback from Canadian reviewers, including expert reviewers for each major topic area who provided feedback on the currency and accuracy of the research.

NEW! This content is also available via REVEL™, an immersive learning experience designed for the way your students read, think, and learn. Click here for more information or contact your Pearson Rep for a demo.

Personalize learning with MyPsychLab™
MyPsychLab is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program designed to work with the Ciccarelli text to engage students and improve results. Within its structured environment, students practice what they learn, test their understanding, and pursue a personalized study plan that helps them better absorb course material and understand difficult concepts.

Packages Available:

0134496515 / 9780134496511 Psychology: An Exploration, First Canadian Edition, Loose Leaf Version Plus REVEL -- Access Card Package, 1/e

0134078411 / 9780134078410 Psychology: An Exploration, First Canadian Edition, Bound Version plus MyPsychLab -- Access Card Package, 1e

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

  • psychology in action
  • Study Methods: Different Strokes for Different Folks
  • Reading Textbooks: Textbooks are not Meatloaf
  • How to Take Notes: Printing Out PowerPoint Slides Is Not Taking Notes
  • Studying for Exams: Cramming Is Not an Option
  • Writing Papers: Planning Makes Perfect
  • Chapter 1 The Science of Psychology
  • Chapter 2 The Biological Perspective
  • Chapter 3 Sensation and Perception
  • Chapter 4 Learning
  • Chapter 5 Memory
  • Chapter 6 Consciousness and Cognition
  • Chapter 7 Development Across the Life Span
  • Chapter 8 Motivation and Emotion
  • Chapter 9 Stress and Health
  • Chapter 10 Social Psychology
  • Chapter 11 Theories of Personality and Intelligence
  • Chapter 12 Psychological Disorders
  • Chapter 13 psychological therapies
  • Appendix A Statistics in Psychology
  • Appendix B Applied Psychology and Psychology Careers

Preface & Sample Chapter

Download Preface (PDF, 23 Pages, 3.3 MB)

Download Sample Chapter 2 (PDF, 42 Pages, 41.2 MB)

Download Sample Chapter 12 (PDF, 34 Pages, 29.7 MB)

Psychology: From Inquiry to Understanding, Third Canadian Edition Plus MyPsychLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package, 3/e [cover]

Psychology: From Inquiry to Understanding, Third Canadian Edition Plus MyPsychLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package, 3/e Canadian Edition

ISBN and Copyright:
9780134379098 | © 2017
January 2016

Show me the evidence!

With a focus on meaningful pedagogy, Lilienfeld teaches students scientific thinking by weaving the theme of the "six flags of scientific thinking" throughout the book.

Psychology: From Inquiry to Understandingstrives to empower readers to apply scientific thinking to the psychology of their everyday lives. It accomplishes this by providing the framework students need to go from inquiry to understanding. Its pedagogical features and assessment tools teach students how to test their assumptions and use scientific thinking skills to better understand the field of psychology and the world around them.

Personalize Learning with MyPsychLab™

MyPsychLab is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program designed to work with this text to engage students and improve results. Within its structured environment, students practice what they learn, test their understanding, and pursue a personalized study plan that helps them better absorb course material and understand difficult concepts.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents:

Chapter 1 Psychology and Scientific Thinking

Chapter 2 Research Methods

Chapter 3 Biological Psychology

Chapter 4 Sensation and Perception

Chapter 5 Consciousness

Chapter 6 Learning

Chapter 7 Memory

Chapter 8 Language, Thinking, and Reasoning

Chapter 9 Intelligence and IQ Testing

Chapter 10 Human Development

Chapter 11 Emotion and Motivation

Chapter 12 Stress, Coping, and Health

Chapter 13 Social Psychology

Chapter 14 Personality

Chapter 15 Psychological Disorders

Chapter 16 Psychological and Biomedical Treatments

Sample Chapter

Download Sample Chapter 12 (PDF, 36 Pages, 2 MB)

Preface & Sample Chapter

Download Preface (PDF, 22 Pages, 6.9 MB)

Download Sample Chapter 12 (PDF, 36 Pages, 2 MB)

Rules of the Game: An Introduction to Canadian Politics, 1/e [cover]

Rules of the Game: An Introduction to Canadian Politics, 1/e Canadian Edition

ISBN and Copyright:
9780132546850 | © 2015

Rules of the Game: An Introduction to Canadian Politics is an accessible and engaging introduction to Canadian politics. Author Hamish Telford presents material from the perspective of a first-time voter: the text starts out simplistically, but the complexity of the material increases with each section, weaving theory, history, and questions of diversity through the narrative.

With a conversational tone and an emphasis on understanding the narrative of Canadian politics as a whole,Rules of the Game provides students with the vocabulary and conceptual tools to follow politics in the media, engage in political discourse with family and friends, and ultimately to participate in the political process.

Download Flyer (PDF, 2 Pages, 320 KB)

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

  • Part I: Introduction
  • Chapter 1 Rules of the Game
  • Chapter 2 The Political Culture of Canada
  • Part II: Politics Under the Old Constitutional Order
  • Chapter 3 Political Parties
  • Chapter 4 Elections
  • Chapter 5 The Executive Branch of Government
  • Chapter 6 Parliament
  • Chapter 7 Federalism and Intergovernmental Relations
  • Part III: Politics Under the New Constitutional Order
  • Chapter 8 Canada's Long Constitutional Odyssey and the Patriation of the BNA Act
  • Chapter 9 The Charter of Rights and the Courts
  • Chapter 10 Aboriginal Rights
  • Chapter 11 Constitutional Reform and the Transformation of Canadian Politics
  • Part IV: Conclusion
  • Chapter 12 We Are the Demos

Preface & Sample Chapter

Download Preface (PDF, 12 Pages, 631 KB)

Download Sample Chapter 2 (PDF, 17 Pages, 844 KB)

Download Sample Chapter 10 (PDF, 27 Pages, 6.9 MB)

Social Dimensions of Canadian Sport and Physical Activity, First Edition [cover]

Social Dimensions of Canadian Sport and Physical Activity, First Edition Canadian Edition

ISBN and Copyright:
9780133444469 | © 2015

Social Dimensions of Canadian Sport and Physical Activity by Jane Crossman and Jay Scherer is an up-to-date, comprehensive overview of the relationship between sociological issues and sport, with a specific focus on the Canadian sports industry.

Each chapter in this contributed text is written by experts in their field, using both Canadian and international perspectives to address contemporary sociological issues. The authors hope that this text will provide students with a sound basis for understanding the social dimensions of sport and physical activity from a uniquely Canadian perspective.

Download Flyer (PDF, 2 Pages, 334 KB)

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

  • Chapter 1 Perspectives on the Social Dimensions of Sport and Physical Activity in Canada --Jane Crossman, Jay Scherer
  • Chapter 2 Sociological Theories of Sport --Ian Ritchie
  • Chapter 3 Canadian Sport in Historical Perspective --Don Morrow
  • Chapter 4 Sport and Social Stratification --Rob Beamish
  • Chapter 5 Ethnicity and Race in Canadian Sport --Vicky Paraschak, Susan Tirone
  • Chapter 6 Sex, Gender, and Sexuality --Mary Louise Adams
  • Chapter 7 Children, Youth and Parental Involvement in Organized Sport --Ralph E. Wheeler, Jay Scherer, Jane Crossman
  • Chapter 8 Sport Deviance --Jason Laurendeau
  • Chapter 9 Violence --Stacy L. Lorenz
  • Chapter 10 Sport and Physical Activity in Canadian Educational Institutions - Tim Fletcher, Duane Bratt
  • Chapter 11 Sport, Media, and Ideology --Jay Scherer
  • Chapter 12 Sport, Politics, and Policy --Jean Harvey
  • Chapter 13 The Business of Sport --Brad Humphreys, Moshe Lander
  • Chapter 14 Globalization and Sport --David Whitson
  • Chapter 15 Sport and the Future --Brian Wilson

Preface & Sample Chapter

Download Preface (PDF, 18 Pages, 768 KB)

Download Sample Chapter 5 (PDF, 26 Pages, 848 KB)

Social Problems in a Diverse Society, Fourth Canadian Edition, 4/e [cover]

Social Problems in a Diverse Society, Fourth Canadian Edition, 4/e Canadian Edition

ISBN and Copyright:
9780205885756 | © 2016
Publishing October 2015

Learning about social problems can be a highly rewarding experience. Although we live in challenging times, a course on social problems provides an excellent avenue for developing critical thinking skills and for learning how to use sociological concepts and perspectives to analyze specific social concerns ranging from war and terrorism, media concentration, drug addiction, and violence to the inequalities of racism, sexism, classism, ageism, homophobia, and ableism.

The fourth Canadian edition of Social Problems in a Diverse Society focuses on the significance of racialization and ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, class, ability, and gender in understanding social problems in Canada and around the globe. Throughout the text, people - especially those from marginalized groups—are shown not merely as "victims" of social problems, but also as individual actors with agency who resist discrimination and inequality and seek to bring about change in families, schools, workplaces, and the larger society.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents:

Chapter 1 Taking a New Look at Social Problems

Chapter 2 Poverty in the Canadian Context

Chapter 3 Racism and Ethnic Inequality

Chapter 4 Gender Inequality

Chapter 5 Inequality Based on Age

Chapter 6 Inequality Based in Sexual Orientation

Chapter 7 The Sex Industry in Canada and Beyond

Chapter 8 Addictions

Chapter 9 Crime and Criminal Justice

Chapter 10 Health, Illness, and Health Care as Social Programs

Chapter 11 The Changing Family

Chapter 12 Problems in Education

Chapter 13 Problems in the Globalized Economy and Politics

Chapter 14 Problems Related to Media

Chapter 15 Population, Urbanization, and the Environmental Crisis

Chapter 16 Global Social Problems

Sample Chapters

Download Sample Chapter 2 (PDF, 20 Pages, 9.0 MB)

Download Sample Chapter 16 (PDF, 20 Pages, 23.1 MB)

Social Psychology, Sixth Canadian Edition [cover]

Social Psychology, Sixth Canadian Edition Canadian Edition

ISBN and Copyright:
9780205970032 | © 2017
February 2016

Making research relevant through its story telling approach!

Social Psychology introduces the key concepts of the field through an acclaimed storytelling approach that makes research relevant to students. Drawing upon their extensive experience as researchers and teachers, the authors present the classic studies that have driven the discipline alongside the cutting-edge research that is the future of social psychology.

Also Available with REVEL™

This title is also available with REVEL– an immersive learning experience designed for the way today's students read, think, and learn. Enlivening course content with media interactives and assessments, REVEL empowers educators to increase engagement with the course, and to better connect with students. Learn More.

Package available:

0134499417 / 9780134499413 Social Psychology with REVEL Access Card, Sixth Canadian Edition, Loose Leaf Version

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

  • Chapter 1 Introduction to Social Psychology
  • Chapter 2 Methodology
  • Chapter 3 Social Cognition
  • Chapter 4 Social Perception
  • Chapter 5 The Self: Understanding Ourselves in a Social Context
  • Chapter 6 Attitudes and Attitude Change
  • Chapter 7 Conformity
  • Chapter 8 Group Processes
  • Chapter 9 Interpersonal Attraction
  • Chapter 10 Prosocial Behaviour
  • Chapter 11 Aggression
  • Chapter 12 Prejudice

Sample Chapter

Download Sample Chapter 3 (PDF, 26 Pages, 50.6 MB)

Preface & Sample Chapter

Download Preface (PDF, 25 Pages, 468 KB)

Download Sample Chapter 3 (PDF, 26 Pages, 50.6 MB)

Society: The Basics, Sixth Canadian Edition, 6/e [cover]

Society: The Basics, Sixth Canadian Edition, 6/e Canadian Edition

ISBN and Copyright:
9780133436952 | © 2017
March 2016

Seeing Sociology in your Everyday Life

Society: The Basics, Fifth Canadian editionis written to help students find and use sociology in everyday life. With a strong theoretical framework and a global perspective,Society: The Basicsoffers students an accessible and relevant introduction to sociology.

NEW! This content is also available viaREVEL™, an immersive learning experience designed for the way your students read, think, and learn. Click here for more information  or contact your Pearson Rep for a demo.

Package Available:

0134496507 / 9780134496504 Society: The Basics, Sixth Canadian Edition, Loose Leaf Version Plus REVEL -- Access Card Package

Table of Contents

Table of Contents:

Chapter 1 Sociology: Perspectives, Theory, and Method

Chapter 2 Culture

Chapter 3 Socialization: From Infancy to Old Age

Chapter 4 Social Interaction in Everyday Life

Chapter 5 Groups and Organizations

Chapter 6 Sexuality and Society

Chapter 7 Deviance

Chapter 8 Social Stratification

Chapter 9 Global Stratification

Chapter 10 Gender Stratification

Chapter 11 Race and Ethnicity

Chapter 12 Economics and Politics

Chapter 13 Family and Religion

Chapter 14 Education, Health, and Medicine

Chapter 15 Population, Urbanization, and Environment

Chapter 16 Social Change: Modern and Postmodern Societies

Preface & Sample Chapter

Download Preface (PDF, 21 Pages, 5.4 MB)

Download Sample Chapter 1 (PDF, 42 Pages, 2.5 MB)

Download Sample Chapter 2 (PDF, 34 Pages, 5.2 MB)

The Social Dimensions of Health and Health Care in Canada, 1/e [cover]

The Social Dimensions of Health and Health Care in Canada, 1/e Canadian Edition

ISBN and Copyright:
9780132088114 | © 2016
Publishing January 2, 2015

The Social Dimensions of Health and Health Care in Canadachallenges readers to move past commonly held beliefs about health and health care to broaden their understanding of how our social world influences health and illness. In doing this, readers are introduced to a broad array of health and health care issues from different perspectives. This text aims to provide students with a better understanding of the social influences on health and health care with a particular focus on the Canadian context.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

  • Chapter 1 Theoretical Tools for a Sociological Analysis of Health and Health Care
  • Chapter 2 Methodological Tools for a Sociological Analysis of Health, Illness and Health Care
  • Chapter 3 The Development of the Canadian Health Care System
  • Chapter 4 Health Professions & Health Policy in Canada
  • Chapter 5 Health Institutions and Organizations in Canada
  • Chapter 6 Population Health in Canada
  • Chapter 7 Social Determinants and Inequities in Health
  • Chapter 8 Social Dimensions of Mental Illness
  • Chapter 9 Social Dimensions of Aging, Health and Care
  • Chapter 10 Self Care and Health Care Behaviour
  • Chapter 11 Health and Illness Experiences
  • Chapter 12 The Medicalization and Pharmaceuticalization of Society
  • Chapter 13 Food and Agriculture

Preface & Sample Chapter

Download Preface (PDF, 20 Pages, 1.1 MB)

Download Sample Chapter 3 (PDF, 26 Pages, 1.4 MB)

Download Sample Chapter 5 (PDF, 25 Pages, 1.5 MB)

The World of Psychology, Eighth Canadian Edition, Loose Leaf Version Plus REVEL -- Access Card Package, 8/e [cover]

The World of Psychology, Eighth Canadian Edition, Loose Leaf Version Plus REVEL -- Access Card Package, 8/e Canadian Edition

ISBN and Copyright:
9780134304526 | © 2017
February 2016

Helping students apply the science of psychology to their everyday lives!

Now in the eighth edition and still the best selling text in the market,The World of Psychology continues to respond to the changing needs of today's diverse student population. Highly interactive, clearly written, and thoroughly up to date, this textbook encourages students to think for themselves as they learn about, relate to, and apply psychological principles that affect their lives.

NEW! This content is also available viaREVEL™, an immersive learning experience designed for the way your students read, think, and learn. Click here for more information or contact your Pearson Rep for a demo.

Personalize learning with MyPsychLab™

MyPsychLab is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program designed to work with the Wood et al. text to engage students and improve results. Within its structured environment, students practice what they learn, test their understanding, and pursue a personalized study plan that helps them better absorb course material and understand difficult concepts.

Packages Available:

The World of Psychology, Eighth Canadian Edition, Loose Leaf Version Plus REVEL -- Access Card Package, 8/e ISBN: 9780134304526

The World of Psychology, Eighth Canadian Edition Bound Text Plus MyPsychLab -- Access Card Package, 8/e ISBN: 9780134499383

Table of Contents

Table of Contents:

Chapter 1 Introduction to PsyChapter ology

Chapter 2 Biology and Behaviour

Chapter 3 Sensation and Perception

Chapter 4 States of Consciousness

Chapter 5 Learning

Chapter 6 Memory

Chapter 7 Cognition, Language, and Intelligence

Chapter 8 Development

Chapter 9 Motivation and Emotion

Chapter 10 Social PsyChapter ology

Chapter 11 Personality Theory and Assessment

Chapter 12 Health and Stress

Chapter 13 PsyChapter ological Disorders

Chapter 14 Therapies

Sample Chapter

Download Sample Chapter 7 (PDF, 34 Pages, 30.2 MB)

Preface & Sample Chapter

Download Preface (PDF, 33 Pages, 76.3 MB)

Download Sample Chapter 7 (PDF, 34 Pages, 30.2 MB)

Thinking Popular Culture, First Canadian Edition, 1/e [cover]

Thinking Popular Culture, First Canadian Edition, 1/e Canadian Edition

ISBN and Copyright:
9780132708463 | © 2016
January 2, 2015

Thinking Popular Culture offers an overview of some of the more foundational and central statements of cultural theory, and provides students and instructors with examples of the ways in which those theories relate to and can be employed for the study of popular culture.  Importantly,Thinking Popular Culture draws on many Canadian examples and case studies to explain and employ the theoretical models discussed; some of these theories are also specific to the Canadian context.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

  • Part One. Reading Popular Culture
  • 1 Thinking Popular Culture?
  • 2 The Study of Culture
  • Part Two. Cultural Theories: Beginnings
  • 3 Marxism I: Ideology, Hegemony, and Class
  • 4 Psychoanalysis I: Freud and Jung
  • 5 Linguistics and Semiotics
  • Part Three. Cultural Theories: Developments
  • 6 Marxism and Psychoanalysis II: Forming Identity
  • 7 Disciplining Cultural Studies
  • 8 History, Power, Discourse
  • 9 Postmodernism and Poststructuralism
  • Part Four. Cultural Theories: Identities
  • 10 Feminism and Gender Studies
  • 11 Sexuality and Queer Theory
  • 12 Race, "Race," and Racism
  • 13 Nationalism, Imperialism, and (Post)Colonialism
  • Part Five: Writing About Popular Culture
  • 14 Writing about Popular Culture Across the Disciplines
  • 15 Opinion, Analysis, Evidence, Theory
  • 16 Sample Assignments

Preface & Sample Chapter

Download Preface (PDF, 20 Pages, 1.1 MB)

Download Sample Chapter 1 (PDF, 18 Pages, 3.7 MB)

Download Sample Chapter 7 (PDF, 25 Pages, 5.1 MB)

Unequal Relations: A Critical Introduction to Race, Ethnic, and Aboriginal Dynamics in Canada, 8/e [cover]

Unequal Relations: A Critical Introduction to Race, Ethnic, and Aboriginal Dynamics in Canada, 8/e Canadian Edition

ISBN and Copyright:
9780133761788 | © 2017
January 2016

Unequal Relations: A Critical Introduction to Race, Ethnic, and Aboriginal Dynamics in Canada is the market-leading, single-voice text for Race and Ethnicity courses in Canada, and it includes comprehensive coverage of racism, multiculturalism and diversity. This mature edition has been updated to remain current, and to include new sub-topics important to the discipline, including explicit discussion of the importance of immigration to Canada and its role in national building; older waves of immigration; and shifting attitudes of normalized immigrant groups.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents:

Part One: Conceptualizing the Politics of Race, Ethnic, and Aboriginal Relations

Chapter 1: Race, Ethnic, and Aboriginal Relations: Patterns, Paradoxes, Perspectives

Chapter 2: The Politics of Race

Chapter 3: Racisms and Anti-racism

Chapter 4: Ethnicity Matters: Experiences: Politics, Identity, and Power, and Experiences (NEW: Combined chapters 4 & 8 from 7Ce)

Chapter 5: Racialized Inequality

Chapter 6: Gender Minorities, Gendered Exclusions

Part Two Diversities and Difference in Canada: Peoples, Nations, and Minorities

Chapter 7: Aboriginal Peoples in Canada: Repairing the Relationship

Chapter 8: Immigrants and Immigration (previous chapter 9)

Chapter 9: Multiculturalism as Canada-Building Governance

(NEW: Combined chapters 10 & 11)

Chapter 10: This Adventure Called Canada-Building (previous chapter 12)

Preface & Sample Chapter

Download Preface (PDF, 14 Pages, 1 MB)

Download Sample Chapter 4 (PDF, 29 Pages, 907 KB)

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